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Wayco Welcome Kit

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So, you just got some new band saw blades. Great!

Now, how do you make sure you're getting the best performance out of them?

Many people wonder this but don't know where to look for the answers... Well, now you no longer have to wonder about best practices. We've complied a couple of great, free resources to help you achieve the level of performance you can expect from our premium-grade blades. The two main guides you'll need are the Blade Break-In Procedure and the Feed and Speed Chart.

Blade Break-in Procedure

Our tested-and-proven method for breaking in blades ensures that the teeth on the blade are conditioned to your application and will therefore last longer before breaking, chipping, or going dull. This also helps to defend against your blade sticking in the material, but the best way to avoid that is to make sure you're using the correct tooth pitch (see our Tooth Pitch Cheat Sheet for more info)

Feed and Speed Chart

Different materials and blades have varying optimal material feed rates and blade speed rates. Use this chart to make sure that you're running your blade and material at the best rates.

These two guides will help you get the best cuts and the longest life out of your new blades.

Click Here to get your free welcome kit!

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